Thankful Thursday – Week Five

Have any of you read Ray Bradbury’s 1954 short story “All Summer in a Day” or seen the 30 minute adaptation in 1982 by PBS childrens’ series “Wonderworks”?  For some reason this morning as I was driving to work in the rain, I was reminded of this story that I’d seen once at age 8 and which has stayed with me ever since.

(Spoiler Alert:  I strongly suggest that those of you who have the time–follow the first link above to read the short story.  I promise that it really is short.)

It’s a story about a class of 9 year old children who reside underground on Venus due to the never ending torrential rain.  The sun reveals itself for a mere hour every seven years and none of the children (save one) can recall what the sun is or that it even really exists.  This one child (named Margot)…who moved to Venus from Earth at age 4 actually remembers the sun and as a result seems to suffer all the more for it’s lack on Venus.  She’s an outcast from her classmates and in a moment of cruelty they lock her in a closet mere seconds before the highly anticipated hour of sunlight is to arrive.  It is there that she spends this precious hour–while her classmates play and romp in the sunshine that they can scarce believe is real.  Upon the return of the rain, they return to the classroom much subdued and in shame remember that Margot is still in the closet….and finally let her out.

I love the imagery in this story–“…they squinted at the sun until tears ran down their faces, they put their hands up to that yellowness and that amazing blueness and they breathed of the fresh, fresh air and listened and listened to the silence which suspended them in a blessed sea of no sound and no motion.”

As well as it’s poignancy –“They stood as if someone had driven them, like so many stakes, into floor.  They looked at each other and then looked away.  They glanced out at the world that was raining now and raining and raining steadily.  They could not meet each others’  glances.  Their faces were solemn and pale.  They looked at their hands and feet, their faces down.”

Most of all though, it reminds me to appreciate every moment…to see the subtle balance in everything around me…to understand that the sun would be nothing without the rain…

So today…I am thankful for the rain.

What inspires you to be thankful?  And for what are you thankful today??

About Melissa's Meanderings

Interests: Green Living, The Environment, Animal Rights, Reading, Gardening, Home Improvement, Pets, Vegetarianism, Photography.
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17 Responses to Thankful Thursday – Week Five

  1. Great post. This month I am thankful just to see a tiny bit of grass peeking out from underneath all the dirty snow and ice. Also, this week I am simply thankful to be able to wrap my arms around my kids and hug them tight. Our local community here in Maine suffered a terrible tragedy and loss. A woman my age lost two of her kids in a fire and everything she had. Unbelievable heart-wrenching. Truly makes you appreciate the simple things like being alive and able to have your family around you.

  2. silvercannon says:

    I am thankful for birdsong. It’s available in the spring for awhile here and then birds of prey return to nest nearby. They and their offspring bring a different kind of experience.
    Living in the high desert, I also appreciate rain.
    And velour. You can still find it and I like to wear velour clothing at home. Soft fabric is great.

  3. everevie says:

    This is a beautiful post…and I want to cling to it’s message.

  4. tknologlvr says:

    I am thankful for blogging friends with uplifting posts!

  5. Megan says:

    Besides the obvious of friends & family both biological and blog, I am most thankful for the change of seasons…anxiously awaiting springs arrival!

  6. Alison says:

    Thank you for sharing this short story. I had never read it before and the emotions it evoked surprised me. It was beautiful. Thank you for bringing that beauty into my life.

  7. Ellie says:

    Awww i love gratitude. 🙂 today, I’m thankful that I have breath to breathe with, loved ones to love, and expectancy of what may come through God’s touch.

  8. Ashley says:

    This story sounds incredible. I remember borrowing a thick collection of Ray Bradbury stories from the library recently, but I had foolishly borrowed so many other books at the same time (Brunswick library have a thirty book limit, far more than I can read in the fortnight I am allowed them for.) I will have to go back, find it on the shelf and read this story from it. Nice post.

  9. soozling says:

    Oh, I just read the story. That is so sad. My heart ached for Margot.

  10. Lisa says:

    That story was heart-breaking! I wanted to cry for Margot!

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